School districts without school nursing staff contract with the VCOE Comprehensive Health and Prevention Programs Department for specific mandated student services such as vision, scoliosis, and hearing screening. If requested, health and developmental histories can be completed for referred students. Contracts are renewed annually to provide hourly Health Specialist/School Nurse services.
Vision and Hearing Screening
These are required at specific intervals and grade levels in California. Vision screening must be conducted on all students upon school entry and every third year thereafter through grade eight. Hearing screening is mandated in kindergarten/first grade and in second, fifth, eighth, possibly tenth/eleventh grade and upon first school entry (California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 2952 (c) (1)). Click here for a "Guide to Vision Testing in California Public Schools" and visit the VCOE Hearing Conservation webpage for more information regarding hearing screening.
Scoliosis Screening
The state scoliosis screening mandate was suspended and it is uncertain whether it will be reinstated. Some school districts are continuing to conduct scoliosis screenings for girls in seventh grade and boys in eighth grade. Click here for the Standards for Scoliosis Screenings in California Public Schools.
Visit the California Department of Education Health Services and School Nursing page for more information.
Contact Comprehensive Health and Prevention Programs at CHPP-Staff@vcoe.org for further information regarding mandated health services.