Phone: 805-981-5800
Fax: 805-981-5806
4333 E Vineyard Ave • Oxnard, CA 93036
Driving Directions
Providence School provides educational services to the minors incarcerated in the Detention and Commitment Housing Areas within the Ventura County Juvenile Justice Facility. The purpose of Providence School is to provide high quality education and personal growth opportunities to incarcerated youth in a challenging, safe and supportive learning environment.
Vision Statement
In fulfilling our “Commitment to Quality Education for All” we teach, inspire and support our students by providing opportunities for them to discover their potential, develop their character, and maximize their learning so they may become life-long learners and world class citizens.
Mission Statement
Our students learn in a personalized environment that fosters human dignity and promotes academic, social, emotional, and personal success.
Learn more in the Providence Handbook
Providence School C.A.R.E.S.
Collaborative, Accountable, Respectful, Engaged, Success!