An annual audit conducted by an independent auditing firm contracted by the LEA is required of each LEA providing a program with ASES or 21st CCLC grant funding.  In that audit, findings and recommendations may be made.


The LEA has the opportunity to address each finding and recommendation made by the auditor. If the school district is in agreement with the finding, the response normally identifies what corrective action the district will take to ensure the error is not made in the future. The ASES or 21st CCLC Program findings are then forwarded to CDE's After School Division to ensure that corrections are appropriate and sufficient.


The Region 8 Expanded Learning Services office at the Ventura County Office of Education provides technical assistance to programs within Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties to help resolve findings and establish procedures to prevent recurrence.  


For more information contact Ernesto Durán, Regional Lead, for more information at or (805)437-1376


Last revised Feb 2022.