The QCVC Teaching Stars stipend application is completed through the Workforce Registry. If you do not already have a registry account, you must sign-up through the CA Workforce Registry at www.caregistry.org .
- The California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry (Workforce Registry) is an online system that supports early childhood professionals and recognizes the valuable work that you do!
- The registry is working to bring increased recognition and professionalism to the early childhood field across California. With a CA ECE Registry profile, you can take advantage of helpful resources to guide your career choices, plan your professional growth, search for professional development opportunities, house your trainings and coursework in 1 easy place, build your resume, and search for jobs.
- Once you have an account the QCVC Teaching Stars stipend application can be found by locating the Stipends & Pathways option on the left side of your screen and then selecting the application option.
- You will be directed to confirm your information. Once you update your information under your profile or confirm your information you will be brought to the stipend page.
- Select Quality Counts Ventura County (QCVC) Teaching Stars from the options to begin the application
- Complete all the information and submit your application. Upon submission you will receive a confirmation email to the email associated with your registry account.