VCOE Recognized as Leader in Student Digital Safety

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Content republished from iKeepSafe

Children live in an increasingly digitized world – they constantly engage with digital tools both in and out of school. In many ways, they are living their lives online. In many ways, these changes have been positive. However, this new territory also comes with new questions, and unfortunately, new challenges for youth, parents, and educators.

For several years, iKeepSafe has worked with the leadership of Ventura County’s Office of Education, and over these years they have distinguished themselves as internet safety trendsetters in the education space. Through effective programs and initiatives, collaboration with iKeepSafe and other experts in the field of online safety, and most importantly, the skilled leadership of Stephen Carr, VCOE has guided their county into a positive digital culture.

One of iKeepSafe’s core missions is to help all schools become aligned with this positive state of affairs. In order to achieve this, we have partnered with BrightBytes, an innovative and data-driven educational technology startup, to create the Digital Privacy, Safety, and Security (DPSS) module. This module is a digital platform that helps leaders in education — teachers, administrators, technology directors, curriculum directors, and more — bridge institutional silos and foster an environment of communication and collaboration. We believe this is an integral piece to establishing a healthy and safe digital environment in schools, as Carr and Ventura County have accomplished.


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