Inspiring Stories of Ventura County's 2022 High School Graduates

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DrCésarMorales-cr-smStudents graduating this year have had more than half of their high school experience impacted by the pandemic. In addition to the regular pressures of adolescence, they’ve experienced the stresses associated with school closures and quarantines, and the debates over masking and vaccinations. They’ve also missed out on all types of activities, from dances to sporting events to school plays. 

I want to acknowledge the amazing work of our teachers, administrators C22logoand school staff who have helped guide students through these turbulent times. I also want to express my gratitude to the parents, relatives and community members who have so admirably supported our students and schools these past few years.

The pandemic has taken a toll on mental health that schools are working hard to address. But it has also shown us how incredibly strong and resilient students can be. Many have not only survived the pandemic and their own personal challenges but are thriving as they journey into life after high school. In our annual year-end edition of Focus on Education, I am honored to share of few of the inspiring stories from members of the Ventura County Class of 2022.

Dr. César Morales
Ventura County Superintendent of Schools

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