Our credential programs are Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) approved.
The Teacher Induction program is approved to recommend holders of Preliminary General Education, Education Specialist (special education) for the clear credential. The program is a blend of real-time and anytime learning online courses and is personalized to employers' and candidates' needs. We offer hybrid and fully online options.
The Administrator Induction Program is for novice administrators who possess a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. In consultation with the employer and a qualified coach, candidates develop a job-embedded Personalized Learning Plan. Over the two year program, candidates are assessed on their growth toward becoming proficient in the CA Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs) and to earn a clear credential. We offer hybrid and fully online options.
The Ventura County Designated Subjects (DSC) Credential Programs are approved to recommend Preliminary and Clear Credentials for teachers assigned to Career Technical Education and Adult Education classes. The program is a blend of direct instruction, self-paced, and online coursework. We offer hybrid and fully online options.
The Ventura County Orthopedic Impairment Added Authorization Program provides a special education teacher with an additional credential authorization to teach children with disabilities in which the primary disability is "orthopedic impairment" (a severe orthopedic impairment that adversely affects a child's educational performance). We offer hybrid and fully online options.
The Ventura County Office of Education is offering online modules that meet the 45 hours of preparation required for a current or prospective substitute teacher to obtain an initial or renewal of the Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (TPSL). The modules are ongoing and may be taken at any time.

Child Development Permit Advisement
The Ventura County Office of Education is offering advisement for Applying for Child Development permit for the first time, how to upgrade your current permit or how to renew your permit.
CCTC offers an innovative approach to the recruitment, preparation, and retention of teachers. Through its vortal and partnerships with CA education agencies, the CCTC brings a comprehensive approach to solving the teacher shortage.